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Loan Workout

An integral part of the foreclosure process is the effective loss mitigation between your client and their borrowers. Most lenders are very interested in working with borrowers to arrive at some sort of solution which is beneficial to both sides in order to avoid a foreclosure sale.  

Foreclosures frequently result because a borrower may have fallen on difficult financial times or is facing a hardship. You can be assured that the Law Offices of Popkin & Rosaler, PA will  treat all your borrowers and/or their counsel in a professional but firm manner and with understanding and respect to their situation(s). Establishing a clear channel of communication between our clients and their borrowers is paramount to resolving a foreclosure proceeding. Our firm is well versed in handling all types of loss mitigation options, including Deeds in Lieu of Foreclosure, Forbearance Agreements, Short Sales and Loan Modifications (for a more in depth explanation of these options please click on Loss Mitigation in the Homeowner tab). Upon request, our office can expeditiously prepare any of these documents.

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